Video: Jacobs Schoolhouse Calculator Scientist Talks Close The Futurity Of Wellness Assist Robotics

 UC San Diego estimator scientist Laurel Riek wants to position a robot inwards someone's habitation for vi months.
"We desire to educate robots that tin adjust to acquire from as well as alter alongside a person, non alone throughout the week, precisely throughout the day," she says inwards this video for the magazine Communications of the ACM.
Riek is the writer of a review article titled Healthcare Robotics inwards the journal's Nov 2017 issue.
The amount text of the article is available here:
She is a professor of estimator scientific discipline at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego as well as a faculty fellow member of the campus' Contextual Robotics Institute.
Her inquiry destination is to enable robots to robustly solve problems inwards dynamically- changing human environments. Riek is peculiarly focused on problems inwards real-world, safety-critical healthcare environments, such every bit hospitals, homes as well as clinics. Her hold out tackles the primal as well as applied problems that brand complex, real-world perception as well as interaction inwards these spaces as well as thence challenging for robots. Riek’s hold out draws on techniques from the fields of estimator vision, machine learning, non-linear dynamics, as well as human factors to enable robots to autonomously perceive, respond, as well as adjust to people inwards the existent world.  

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