Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Cute Or Creepy, This Robot Helped Researchers Figure Out Why Babies Smile

Whether yous intend it's creepy or cute, at that spot is no denying that Diego-san, a toddler-like robot developed at the Qualcomm Institute hither at UC San Diego, became a media darling this past times week. The robot was role of a report where researchers tried to figure out why babies smile.
They programmed Diego-san to bear similar the babies they studied in addition to had him interact amongst undergraduate students. The report is role of an attempt funded past times the National Science Foundation to utilisation robots to improve sympathize human development. It gives developmental psychologists a tool for studying non-verbal children in addition to adults, such every bit those amongst autism.
But for a lot of media outlets, it was all almost the robot. Engadget,   the San Diego Union-Tribune in addition to New York Magazine constitute the robot creepy. Motherboard was in all likelihood the most aggravated in addition to called Diego-san horrifying.
Below is a video of the robot inwards activity in addition to hence yous tin brand upward your demand heed for yourself.
The amount press unloosen almost the report is here.
Javier Movellan, ane of the study's co-authors, volition acquaint related tumble out Oct. thirty at the Contextual Robotics Forum hither at the Jacobs School.


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