Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Soft Robots Developed Past Times Jacobs Schoolhouse Engineers Featured On Scishow

So Hank Green, blood brother of "Fault inwards Our Stars" together with "Paper Towns" writer John Green, merely featured i of the robots designed past times Jacobs School roboticist Michael Tolley. 

He developed amongst colleagues at Harvard the starting fourth dimension robot amongst a 3D-printed trunk that transitions from a stiff inwardness to a soft exterior. The robot made its debut inwards Science on July 10.

"We believe that bringing together soft together with stiff materials volition assist create a novel generation of fast, agile robots that are to a greater extent than robust together with adaptable than their predecessors together with tin safely operate following amongst humans,” Tolley said at the fourth dimension inwards our press release
The persuasion of blending soft together with difficult materials into the robot’s trunk came from nature, Tolley said. For example, for certain species of mussels pick out a human foot that starts out soft together with and thence becomes stiff at the indicate where it makes contact amongst rocks. “In nature, complexity has a real depression cost,” Tolley said. “Using novel manufacturing techniques similar 3D printing, we’re trying to interpret this to robotics.”

And indeed, Green featured the robot equally business office of a segment on biomimetics.
Enjoy the whole show, or fast-forward to the four-minute mark, where Green starts talking close Tolley's robot. 

Tolley together with his students volition live on presenting around of their robotics operate hither on campus on Oct thirty at the Contextual Robotics Forum.  (UC San Diego alumni tin register for one-half price.)

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