Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:High Schoolhouse Educatee Researchers Educate Early On Detection Exam For Ovarian Cancer

Two students inwards a UC San Diego bioengineering lab are on the verge of a medical breakthrough -- in addition to they're solely inwards high school. Meet Gitanjali in addition to Priyanka Multani, inventors of a novel exam for early on detection of ovarian cancer.

"We've created a blood exam essentially, in addition to thus it's non-invasive, easier in addition to to a greater extent than terms effective," Gitanjali said. Gitanjali in addition to Priyanka are identical twins who volition locomote seniors at Torrey Pines High School starting this fall. They developed the engineering nether the tutelage of UC San Diego bioengineering professor Ratnesh Lal. Their projection tied for a kickoff house ACS Science Award at the 62nd Annual Greater San Diego Science in addition to Engineering Fair on March 16, 2016.

Their storey was featured on CW6 San Diego. Watch the interview in addition to read the storey here.

Update (7/13): the Multani twins in addition to their run were likewise featured inwards the Del Mar Times.

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