Reference Database Helps Scientists Guess A Person's Genetic Repeats

There are many ways inward which our genomes vary from 1 another, leading to differences inward diverse traits or affliction susceptibilities. Most researchers who desire to uncover these differences focus on uncomplicated “spelling” mistakes inward our DNA.

“Yet in that location are complex, repetitive parts of our genome that are besides known to displace diseases, such equally Huntington’s disease, as well as these parts of the genome are non analyzed inward most large medical genetics studies,” said Melissa Gymrek, PhD, assistant professor at UC San Diego School of Medicine as well as Jacobs School of Engineering.

So Gymrek as well as her squad built a reference database that allows researchers to gauge a person’s genome at these repetitive regions, fifty-fifty when they are non straight measured.

“This resources volition enable analyzing the effects of repeat variation for the commencement fourth dimension across hundreds of thousands of individuals on thousands of traits without the remove to collect whatsoever additional data,” Gymrek said.

Read to a greater extent than virtually this novel resources as well as its applications inward Nature Communications, Oct 23:

A reference haplotype panel for genome-wide imputation of brusque tandem repeats. 


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