What Happens When 2 Roboticists, I Engineer Together With I Holographic Md Are Together On A Panel?

Actor Robert Picardo, who played The Doctor inwards Star Trek Voyager. 
We constitute out Saturday, when when iii of our professors were on the same panel at the holographic medico from Star Trek Voyager, aka thespian Robert Picardo. They discussed the hereafter of healthcare robotics together with AI. It was all that of "The Future of Medicine," an number hosted past times the Clarke Center for Human Imagination, June 2 hither on campus. Below is a Twitter thread amongst about of the event's highlights.

From left: estimator scientific discipline professors Henrik Christensen together with Laurel Riek.
Christensen is the managing director of the Contextual Robotics Institute at UC San Diego. 

Ramesh Rao, managing director of the Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego, is equally good a professor
in the Department of Electrical together with Computer Engineering. 

A model of the master copy tricoder used inwards the Star Trek series. 

Sumber http://jacobsschoolofengineering.blogspot.com/

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