Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Let Your Inner Tyke Geek Come Upwards Out To Play, Says Alumna

Remember the showtime fourth dimension yous geeked out over something? It mightiness bring been technology, or cooking, or a book--it doesn't matter. That's the feeling Jacobs School alumna Jennifer Arguello is trying to spark inwards a novel generation of figurer scientists. She is particularly focused on under-represented students, such every minute people of color too women.
Arguello, who is straight off the senior technical evolution managing director at GitHub, gave a beak at an upshot for the SheCodes organization. It is straight off featured on the Smithsonian's Latino Virtual Museum.
According to the museum's website:

Argüello is business office of the Silicon Valley Latino advisory board, an scheme “committed to celebrate the stories of successful Latinas too Latinos, to challenge perceptions too inspire novel generations of Latino heroes”.
During her talk, she urged her audience to volunteer, enlist their fellowship for support, run mentors too advocate for figurer standards across the board inwards elementary, essence too high school.

"Find your inner man child geek or daughter geek too allow them to play," she said. 

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