Thoughtstem, Society Founded Yesteryear Uc San Diego Alumni, Receives $330K Grant From National Scientific Discipline Foundation

ThoughtSTEM, LLC, a San Diego-based fellowship teaching estimator scientific discipline skills to students ages five to 18, has received a $330,000 Small Business Innovation Research grant from the National Science Foundation. ThoughtSTEM is nearly well-known for existence the get-go fellowship to loose a Minecraft Modding software, LearnToMod, that allows kids equally immature equally five to reprogram the pop video game, Minecraft.

ThoughtSTEM is led yesteryear UC San Diego estimator scientific discipline Ph.D. alumnus Stephen Foster together with biochemistry PhD alumna Lindsey Handley.

“Thanks to the NSF, nosotros are instantly going to live on able to arrive at to a greater extent than students inwards dissimilar countries alongside dissimilar interests," Handley said. "The same sense students convey had inwards our classrooms volition presently live on available online to both students... together with adults. We're actually interested inwards sharing our educational tools alongside to a greater extent than adults then they tin sack aid us arrive at to a greater extent than kids.”

With this novel grant funding, ThoughtSTEM volition able to offering to a greater extent than of their innovative, video game-inspired estimator scientific discipline curriculum to students around the footing yesteryear moving online the curriculum they've been using inwards classes alongside students inwards San Diego. There volition also live on a force to educate a completely novel estimator scientific discipline curriculum designed to come across the interests of a broader population of video game-playing students worldwide.

The mission of ThoughtSTEM is to detect every pupil interested inwards agreement how estimator programming plant together with learn them inwards a context they tin sack sympathise - video games. ThoughtSTEM has taught over 7,000 students inwards San Diego together with over 100,000 students online.

This grant is allowing us to accelerate our evolution of estimator scientific discipline educational products for students who nosotros are looking for novel ways to interact alongside their favorite video games," Foster said. "Our students inwards San Diego convey actually enjoyed our approach, together with nosotros are excited to instantly live on able to portion it alongside other areas.”

ThoughtSTEM also was co-founded yesteryear estimator scientific discipline Ph.D. alumna Sarah Guthals, who instantly plant at GitHub.

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