Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Engineering Alumna, At In Ane Lawsuit On San Diego Metropolis Council, Honroed Yesteryear Ucsd Alumni

San Diego City Council President SHERRI LIGHTNER, REVELLE ’72, M.S. ’78, a licensed mechanical engineer turned populace official, believes that y'all sometimes demand to intermission things to brand them better. “If y'all don’t intermission something, y'all don’t know if y'all pick out an optimized design,” says Lightner. “I’m an engineer. We brand things work, nosotros solve problems.”

Seamlessly combining her technology scientific discipline background amongst populace service, Lightner has equally good broken barriers. Representing District One, she is the foremost woman someone engineer to serve on the San Diego City Council, equally good equally the foremost woman someone Council President. H5N1 leader inward civic engagement, Lightner has served on multiple community planning organizations as well as committees. She was the foremost official to railroad train a comprehensive H2O policy inward social club to provide San Diego amongst an affordable as well as sustainable H2O supply. She led the endeavour to constitute the Economic Development Committee inward 2011, as well as then served equally Chair for over four years.

Lightner hadn’t ever imagined that her career would Pb her to City Council as well as the chance to live impactful as well as impact such profound change. What started amongst a uncomplicated passion for community service—beginning amongst the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts as well as La Jolla Shores Association—would after evolve into a much grander ambition of addressing the city’s almost pressing concerns.

“It was serving inward the community that led me to believe that at that spot were improve ways that the City could deliver to its citizens, as well as to really convey the neighborhoods to City Hall,” says Lightner. As Council President, a set she has held since 2014, her priorities include economical development, expansion of the tech, cybertech as well as blueish tech industries inward San Diego, H2O policy, advertisement of STEM education, equally good equally closing the chore skills gap as well as updating the City’s charter.

Despite everything that is on her plate, Lightner remains tirelessly dedicated to improving her community, a chore that she notes cannot live completed without the technical as well as analytical background skills gained at UC San Diego. She additionally credits her alma mater for contributing to the lasting values that guide her every day, peculiarly the importance of confidence as well as accountability. “UC San Diego taught y'all to live fearless,” adds Lightner. “You learned to stand upwards up as well as work organisation human relationship for yourself, as well as stand upwards up for other folks equally well.”

Now inward her concluding twelvemonth serving on the San Diego City Council, Lightner is focusing on finishing what she started 8 years ago. “I desire to live known equally a council fellow member who genuinely represented my community,” she says. ”If y'all don’t inquire for something, the answer is ever no. That’s why I’m continually bespeak for what I intend our residents as well as communities deserve.”

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