Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Jacobs Schoolhouse Ph.D. Pupil Recognized For Outreach In Addition To Service

Yawo Ezunkpe is ane of half-dozen UC San Diego Ph.D. students to be accepted into the Bouchet Graduate Honor Society for 2014-2015. Named for the start African-American doctoral recipient inwards the United States, Edward Alexander Bouchet, the lodge seeks to prepare a national network of preeminent scholars who exemplify academic excellence together with foster environments that back upward students who are traditionally underrepresented inwards academia. UC San Diego was the start academy on the West Coast to constitute a chapter of the national organization.

Ezunkpe’s inquiry interests include fluid mechanics together with applied together with computational mathematics. His dissertation focuses on stochastic analysis of fluid flows inwards domains whose stone oil surfaces are modeled equally random fields. His run addresses around of the unresolved theoretical together with practical questions concerning differential equations defined on random domains. It has pregnant impact on biological flows together with could survive extended to other areas where surface roughness affects fluid flows, such equally environmental technology scientific discipline together with nanoscale devices.

Click hither for a listing of all of this year's UC San Diego honorees

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