Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Two Jacobs Schoolhouse Alumni Featured Inwards Forbes' Thirty Nether Thirty For 2016

We are incredibly proud of Sarah Guthals together with Daniel Lee, 2 Jacobs School alumni who are featured inward this year's 30 Under thirty selection yesteryear Forbes Magazine.

ThoughtSTEM cofounder Sarah Guthals
Guthals is a co-founder of ThougthSTEM, a companionship that focuses on teaching kids how to program, inward San Diego together with beyond, equally good equally online. The companionship has created LearnToMod, a software parcel that allows students to larn how to code within of Minecraft. ThoughtSTEM currently offers a free Coursera class to learn educators how to utilization LearnToMod inward their classrooms equally a learning tool. The companionship has also developed CodeSpells, a first-person histrion video game to learn coding.

Guthals leads ThoughtSTEM's initiatives that connect amongst schools together with teachers, online together with inward existent life. She ofttimes chats amongst educators online to assistance them customize their programming lessons. She presented a many educational together with programming conferences, including Minecon, a Minecraft-centric termination that draws crowds every year.

With swain ThoughtSTEM co-founders together with UC San Diego alumni Stephen Forster (computer science) together with Lindsey Handley (biochemistry), she co-authored "Minecraft Modding for Kids," inward the For Dummies series. Guthals earned her bachelor's, master's together with Ph.D. inward figurer scientific discipline at UC San Diego.
Daniel Lee amongst ane of the Hush smart earplugs prototypes.

Daniel Lee, nicknamed "Ewok," co-founded Hush Technology, a companionship that makes smart earplugs amongst swain UC San Diego educatee together with alumni Daniel Synn together with Daniel Chesong Lee (hence the withdraw for nicknames to distinguish betwixt the 3 Daniels).

The squad raised to a greater extent than than $450,000 for their production on Kickstarter. The 3 Daniels so turned to making the production a reality. As of Dec 2015, the companionship completed a 400 unit of measurement preliminary majority production run. Hush plans to deliver its units inward Jan 2016.

Lee, who graduated inward 2014 amongst a bachelor's inward mechanical engineering, came upwards amongst the sentiment for the smart earplugs during an entrepreneurship degree taught yesteryear Teaching Professor Nathan Delson. Lee together with the other 2 Daniels took role inward Phases 1 together with 2 of the NSF I-Corps computer programme offered at the von Liebig Center here at the Jacobs School.


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