Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Paul Epperson

Meet the side yesteryear side educatee alongside our crusade who hopes the hashtag #ILookLikeAnEngineer volition inspire peace of hear together with positive change.

Name: Paul Epperson
Major: Computer Science
Graduation Date: June 2018

Why did y'all select technology scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
I chose technology scientific discipline at UC San Diego because I wanted to endure able to make existent things. As someone alongside an involvement inwards reckoner science, I had a wish to endure able to pattern together with create practical code that would furnish useful solutions to applicable problems.

What are your career goals?
My career goals are to assist pattern together with implement software solutions for hard, science-based problems. The closer to outer infinite together with robots, the better.

Do y'all accept a favorite quote or mantra?
"As I stand upward out hither inwards the wonders of the unknown . . . I form of realize there’s a key truth to our nature: Man must explore . . . together with this is exploration at its greatest." - Dave Scott, becoming the seventh individual to measuring on the moon.

What are 3 things that are unique nigh you?
I actively report calculus together with linear algebra because I discovery the subjects actually enjoyable. I fantasize nigh controlling robot swarms inwards space. I composed together with improvise on but about of my ain musical pianoforte themes.

What does this crusade hateful to you?
I appreciate efforts yesteryear groups of people to shift social perspectives away from otherwise inordinate stereotypes. I back upward actions to ameliorate define what it way to endure a certainly private inwards a footing where at that topographic point are many distinct definitions, accurate or inaccurate. Hopefully this gives a broad spread of people peace of mind, confidence together with inner line to enact positive change.


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