Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Triton Rocket Social Club Sets Novel Tape For Height Inward Flight

The Triton Rocket Club (TRC) at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering gear upwardly a tape this yesteryear weekend when they sent their Astraeus rocket soaring 28,000 feet into the desert sky.

The flight sets the tape for the highest rocket every flown yesteryear UC San Diego students. Besides existence reaching a tape height, this rocket was the biggest, heaviest, fastest, almost powerful for TRC. 

"This pattern serves equally the proof-of-concept for our 10” diameter infinite rocket, in addition to officially marks the kickoff of the domicile stretch for our launch to infinite inward Spring 2017," said Nico Montoya, a graduating senior in addition to fellow member of the club. "The side yesteryear side measuring is to wing an 8" diameter rocket to 100,000+ feet which volition gear upwardly the tape for highest one-stage college rocket!"

Check out the video, in addition to conk along scrolling for to a greater extent than photos!

Video Credit: Austin Torgerson

TRC wasn't the entirely grouping out firing rockets over the weekend. The MAE 155B Aerospace Senior Design course of written report successfully static fired the Atlas missile LR-101 engine seen here:

Stay tuned for simply about other examination on June 4!


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