Nursing Schoolhouse Ranking 2016

According to the Complete University Guide 2016, Glasgow was ranked 1st for Nursing, followed yesteryear Surrey inwards sec place.

The University of Birmingham was ranked third inwards the UK for Nursing yesteryear the Complete University Guide 2016, moving upward 23 places from 26th final year.

The University of Sheffield was ranked seventh out of 72 universities inwards nursing for satisfaction, query lineament in addition to graduate prospects yesteryear the 2016 Complete University Guide.

King's College London was ranked ninth inwards the UK in addition to ranked every bit the release ane faculty for nursing inwards London (Complete University Guide 2016). King's is besides the 4th oldest academy inwards England, in addition to is ane of the superlative twenty universities inwards the footing (2014/15 QS World University Rankings).

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