Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Computer Scientific Discipline Alumna Wins San Diego County Instructor Of The Twelvemonth Award

Photo: San Diego Unified
Huge congratulations to estimator scientific discipline alumna Shirley Parrish Miranda, who won a San Diego County Teacher of the Year accolade this year. Miranda teaches math together with estimator scientific discipline at Morse High School. She is likewise a swain alongside COSMOS, a residential scientific discipline programme for high schoolhouse students run yesteryear the Jacobs School.

Here is the San Diego Union-Tribune on Miranda:

To found trust inwards her classroom, Miranda greets students at the door every day, together with and thus thank y'all them equally they exit.
“It is a minor gesture that is frequently overlooked, exactly is an of import constituent inwards edifice relationships together with honor alongside my students, both of import aspects of education,” she wrote.
The tradition was inspired yesteryear a pupil who told her she was the alone instructor to talk to him the entire year.
“It simultaneously broke my view together with made me happy,” she wrote. “Respect together with relationships help unopen the achievement gap alongside at-risk students.”
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 quondam software engineer, Miranda industrial plant to steer students to pursue an didactics inwards science, technology, engineering scientific discipline together with math. Her STEM career was inspired yesteryear a instructor who encouraged her to larn inwards the scientific discipline fair.
Miranda assess her students daily, together with groups them together for mentoring. She forged a partnership alongside UC San Diego, which allows her to convey inwards professors, professionals together with students alongside operate inwards her class.
When teaching estimator science, Miranda weaves inwards relevant issues into the curriculum — including cyberbullying.
Full storey here:

You tin likewise sentinel Miranda on KUSI News:


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