Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Delta Caraulia

Familiar alongside the #ILookLikeAnEngineer hashtag on Twitter? It started trending dorsum inwards August 2015 - a San Francisco software engineer inspired a viral online possess when she faced backlash later appearing inwards an promotion equally business office of her company's recruiting campaign. Her reply was a photograph asset a sign alongside the hashtag #ILookLikeAnEngineer — it inspired woman someone engineers around the public to portion their photos/stories on social media using the hashtag.  We intend this is great, too wanted to fountain onboard.

Meet Delta, a sophomore mechanical engineer at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

Name: Delta Caraulia
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Estimated graduation date: June 2018

Why did you lot select engineering at UC San Diego?
I ever liked math growing up. Then I thought, what should I produce alongside it? I should produce engineering. After I went to COSMOS at UC San Diego, a four-week residential summertime programme for high schoolhouse students interested inwards pursuing a career inwards a STEM field, I was onslaught engineering. COSMOS – I was business office of Cluster 4, the earthquakes inwards activity cluster. We had to perform a timber retrofit. So when you lot retrofit something, you lot arrive better. Maybe dorsum then, they did non possess got plenty support. We were accounting for natural disasters.

Also, during my senior twelvemonth of high school, I took AP Physics too actually liked classical mechanics. I noticed myself liking the edifice to a greater extent than hence than the other parts of physics.

Do you lot possess got a favorite quote or mantra?
This mightiness live on a footling embarrassing. In Mean Girls, it’s the business office when they’re talking close calculus too Damien is disgusted too asks Cady why. She says, “Because it’s the same inwards every country.” That was beautiful to me.

What are your career goals?
I honestly don’t know. I’m actually trying to figure it out. I actually liked 3D printing, which was implemented when I took a pilot course inwards the Dean’s novel Experience Engineering first this yesteryear spring. I similar that 3D printing is cheap, particularly for kids. They demand an inexpensive means to locomote along producing equally they locomote along growing.

What are you lot involved inwards on campus?
I participated inwards UC San Diego’s Summer Bridge program inwards 2014 earlier schoolhouse started. Summer Bridge tries to distich incoming freshmen too assist them integrate improve into their rootage year. You accept 2 dissimilar classes: Contemporary Issues too Educational Studies. I idea I wouldn’t acquire into it equally much equally I did. The Contemporary Issues constituent was eye-opening for me. I was ever real math too science-y, only the programme opened my eyes to existent public issues.

I prepped to locomote a tutor, too this quarter I signed upward for Global TIES. I similar the humanitarian facial expression of Global TIES. Growing up, I knew I wanted to produce something where I could assist people. I tried to produce medical stuff, only I learned nope, I can’t touching on people, I can’t catch blood. That’s precisely what Global TIES is, engineering for humanity. And the leaders of the shape are actual professors, hence you lot possess got their guidance too run into often.
In addition,I’ll live on a business office of KPCore, which does outreach to my high school.

What are 3 things you lot discovery unique close you?
  1. I produce similar keeping busy. I don’t actually possess got whatsoever hobbies, which I gauge is why I similar extracurricular activities. Also, inwards damage of terminal year, I worked a lot. I took on a lot of hours at the library. It’s actually overnice working there. The people at that topographic point are actually overnice too tardily to speak to.
  2. I worry a lot, only I also know that I tin give the axe produce it…I also complain a lot, only I’ll produce it. Haha.
  3. I went to Europe terminal twelvemonth too I desire to locomote to Kingdom of Spain side yesteryear side year.

What does this possess hateful to you?
This final result does hitting difficult because I volition live on an engineer inwards the field. There's a misconception that women acquire hired to fill upward some quota hence I don't desire anyone to intend I had something handed to me. I volition earn it based on my merit.

I spoke alongside the VP of Qualcomm, too he said that he was originally an engineer himself. It was cool that he had both the agreement of his company’s engineering work, inwards add-on to his ain administrative work. Maybe inwards the future, I tin give the axe agree a position that combines multiple fields.

Stay tuned for more, too don't forget to follow the Jacobs School on social media to locomote along upward alongside the hashtag!


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