Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Entrepreneurism & Leadership Programs Spotlight Series: Regina Caluya, Chemic Technology Scientific Discipline '16

Regina Caluya, Chemical Engineering '16
From Cebu, Philippines, chemic applied scientific discipline educatee Regina Caluya has focused her teaching in addition to career towards making a rigid social deportment on through scientific discipline in addition to engineering. At the historic catamenia of 18, Regina emigrated to US of America alongside her occupation solid unit of measurement inward 2009 in addition to enrolled at UC San Diego every bit a transfer educatee inward 2013. At UCSD, Regina has been involved inward Global Teams inward Engineering Service (Global TIES) in addition to the UC San Diego chapter of American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChe at UCSD), specifically the Chem eastward Car projection to build a small-scale chemically powered car.

Regina enrolled inward Global TIES concluding Spring in addition to joined One Village Philippines (OVP), a squad partnered alongside Gawad Kalinga’s (GK) Enchanted Farm to railroad train easily replicable, sustainable technologies to endure adopted inward rural communities inward the Philippines, a province that is struck past times only about xv typhoons annually. Regina has institute it to endure a real exceptional chance to endure a work of OVP in addition to assist GK’s mission.  “It’s been wonderful to gain sense in addition to laissez passer on dorsum to your motherland,” said Regina. “My pump actually goes into this. It was optic opening to endure there… I was able to run into the status of my province in addition to realized that nosotros tin produce something to alter or improve their condition.”

One Village Philippines Team in addition to Global TIES Advisor Mandy Bratton
alongside local Filipinos at the Enchanted Farm.
This summer, OVP brought the pattern for the mo iteration of their solar street light dorsum to the Philippines, where scavenged for the necessary materials in addition to taught some of the local Filipinos how to replicate the light at GK’s Enchanted Farm. “We were humbled past times their practical skills,” said Regina. “They were able to wire the poles faster than us. Even though every bit UCSD students nosotros stimulate got a footing bird academy education, at that spot are all the same people who know ameliorate than us.”

After graduation, Regina hopes to operate for a renewable unloose energy company, but for her concluding yr at UCSD, Regina sees herself continuing her operate alongside AIChe in addition to OVP. This year, OVP has plans to pursue a gear upward novel sustainable project, perchance i that involves relieving the whole Enchanted Farm community’s reliance on the grid.

“Working alongside OVP actually helped me realize what career path I desire to take. This summertime I’m working every bit a query intern for Global Energy Network Institute, in addition to I’m writing an executive summary on the possibility of making the Philippines completely renewable (hopefully past times 2030), including the possible mixes of renewable energy.”

To larn to a greater extent than virtually the Global TIES One Village Philippines Project, read here.


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