Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Mary Graves

Meet Mary, a graduating chemic engineer who is non solely a MARC U-STAR Awardee, exactly also a Gordon Scholar in addition to has interned at the National Institutes of Health inwards neuropharmacology.

Mary Graves
Chemical Engineering
Expected graduation date: June 2016

Why chemic applied scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
Let me firstly past times say you lot why I chose to report at UC San Diego. During my senior twelvemonth inwards high school, I was watching a computer programme on KPBS virtually the scientific discipline behind cereals, in addition to UC San Diego chemic engineers who made Fruit Loops could stair out in addition to know how much saccharide was on each loop. I was amazed exactly the exceptional that went into each slice of cereal in addition to past times the chemic engineers who understood every aspect. Chemical applied scientific discipline has a plethora of applications in addition to I wanted the noesis that came amongst it, such every bit fluid mechanics which explains the laws governing all flow.

I idea it was amazing in addition to wanted to hold upwardly involved inwards nutrient because of it. But then, I also postulate maintain an involvement inwards biomedical inquiry because my grandmother died of a preventable campaign when I was a kid. In addition, my identify unit of measurement struggled amongst core abuse in addition to medical disorders, hence I’ve gravitated toward inquiry questions that volition assistance us improve empathise why these things happen.

What was your transition into UC San Diego similar every bit a transfer student?
Transitioning from community college was difficult. When I came to UC San Diego, it was a lot to a greater extent than competitive in addition to I was no longer the best at what I wanted to do. Everyone else was the best, every bit good - in addition to you lot postulate maintain to be, to acquire into the applied scientific discipline computer programme here. It did force me to run harder exactly sometimes that was non enough. I works life my outlet through extracurricular activities.

Can you lot depict your involvement inwards dissimilar organizations hither at UC San Diego?
During my fourth dimension at UCSD I was component division of the Academic Enrichment Program (AEP). I was awarded the competitive MARC Honor society which funded inquiry on in addition to off campus in addition to go for 2 years. I presented my inquiry at the 2014 SACNAS conference inwards San Antonio, TX. While at the conference I met the manager of summertime internships for the National Institute of Neurological Disorders in addition to Stroke. I explained my inquiry interests, long term goals, the inquiry I was presenting in addition to wish to participate inwards the program. The computer programme has a less than 10% credence charge per unit of measurement hence I did non mean value I would acquire in. However, I was accepted. It was a nifty sense in addition to I would recommend NIH in addition to DC to everyone.

The Gordon scholars were a nifty leadership evolution program. It prepared me to hold upwardly an effective in addition to agreement leader through squad edifice exercises in addition to discussions.

Being an AICHE officeholder allowed me to role the skills from the Gordon program. I coordinated events amongst upwards of 300 participants inwards an endeavor to plow over dorsum to the community in addition to showcase the scientific discipline behind chemic applied scientific discipline through demonstrations.

What are your career goals?
I wish to become into academia, exactly in that place isn’t a lot of flexibility unless you lot acquire the grants for it. I’ve done modeling behaviour amongst drugs, such every bit cocaine in addition to right away I’m working amongst neural modulations. We are looking for correlations to run into if people tin holler back memories. I’m also interested inwards neuroscience at the intersection betwixt neuroscience in addition to pharmaceuticals. I interned at a neuropharmacology lab for virtually a twelvemonth in addition to a half. I was the National Institutes of Health (NIH), working on in addition to designing novel drugs.

What are 3 things that brand you lot an individual?

  1. I actually similar hot sauce. Louisiana hot sauce. Jalapeños, habaneros, serranos. Every hot sauce.
  2. I’m a actually skilful listener.
  3. I postulate maintain skilful tenacity in addition to persistence, which is what makes me a skilful engineer. Engineering is where you lot larn how to convey defeat.   


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