Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Make-A-Thon 2015: Hack-A-Thon Takes On 3D Printing

Recently, I had the pleasance of stopping yesteryear UC San Diego’s kickoff annual Make-A-Thon. I wasn’t exclusively certain of what I should expect, but I was excited as well as knew I would move amazed. Upon entering the room, I could experience something special—you know, that buzz as well as unloosen energy only a room amount of driven as well as tenacious people working amongst grit could create.

The pupil organisation Triton 3D-Printing Club (T3D), novel since Jan of this schoolhouse year, arranged a 3D printing hack-a-thon final result amongst the hope of encouraging students to acquire how to approach problems inwards a squad setting as well as exposing them to experiment amongst 3D printing. The contest was dissever into 2 categories: novice as well as advanced, amongst participants ranging from kickoff years to graduating seniors. I had the chance to beak amongst winning advanced team.

Shake as well as Bake's award-winning design
The iv members of the winning team, Shake as well as Bake, were awarded their ain 3D printer for their design, which resembled the pod racer from Star Wars. The squad consisted of graduating seniors Narek Geghamyan, Daniel Ip, Victor Long as well as Glen Padilla, all studying either mechanical or aerospace engineering, as well as most of them had no prior experience amongst 3D printing. It took the squad nearly xxx minutes to brainstorm, as well as iv to 5 hours of pure pattern earlier they were create to print. They each made their ain private designs earlier reconvening to possess got the best aspects of each persuasion as well as create prototypes until they knew each part was exclusively functional as well as efficient. They described their experience equally a “very enjoyable process,” as well as praised 3D printing for its rapid prototyping ability. As i Shake as well as Bake fellow member said, “You rarely possess got the mightiness to create an entire device out of scratch inwards i sitting.” And I believe the event’s atomic number 82 coordinator, Andy Kieatiwong, would vigorously nod his caput inwards agreement.

Andy Kieatiwong
I also had the pleasance of coming together as well as speaking to Kieatiwong at the event. He is a 3rd yr aerospace technology scientific discipline student, and, equally i of the co-founders of T3D, he is no stranger to 3D printing as well as the many opportunities it offers. He described 3D printing equally a “new way to solve problems inwards scientific fields” such equally aerospace engineering. For example, 3D printing enables engineers to brand lighter materials, lower manufacturing costs as well as “democratize the human activeness of making things.” For the future, Kieatiwong says he as well as T3D volition to a greater extent than oft than non probable collaborate amongst other organizations to expand the final result to twice its size, moving from 15 available printers to xxx or fifty-fifty forty. As for the hereafter of 3D printing, he said, “3D printing is non an answer inside itself. It’s exactly a tool, but a real powerful tool.” 

The novice team's design
For or as well as thence of us, this tool is even as well as thence real new. I also spoke amongst i of the novice teams; the grouping consisted of freshmen Zenas Heng, Emilee Kang, Kasey Li, as well as Joe Wong, all students pursuing – or at to the lowest degree interested inwards – or as well as thence cast of engineering. None of them had whatsoever experience amongst hack-a-thon-type events, nor did they possess got much experience working amongst 3D printers. They learned a lot – miscommunication as well as technical errors prevented them from printing on time, leaving them amongst real pocket-size models. Despite the drawbacks, none of them regret having participated inwards the event. As a freshman myself, I agreed amongst them that the Make-A-Thon is i of the many opportunities that contribute to our above-average technology scientific discipline experience hither at UC San Diego.

Beyond the grandeur as well as hope 3D printing holds, the Make-A-Thon offered experience to those without the way of obtaining it. Furthermore, the final result was less nearly competitive feelings as well as to a greater extent than nearly having fun. The novice squad I spoke to chose to participate inwards the Make-A-Thon later on having heard nearly the final result from their friends. One of the Shake as well as Bake members fifty-fifty called his grouping the “all-star team.” Perhaps he said that because they all had extensive experience amongst modeling software, but I’d similar to believe it was because the accomplished something else – they merely made memories amongst friends.

Some 3D printers!
This final result was sponsored yesteryear ARRK, Forecaset 3D, Pixologic, Polymaker, as well as XYZPrinting. ARRK as well as Forecast3D attended the networking event. As prizes, Pixologic donated ZBrush licenses (software for design) as well as XYZ contributed a smartwatch as well as lanyards. For the contest Polymaker donated filament (PolyFlex, PolyMax, as well as Plywood), as well as XYZ loaned printers. Also, especial cheers goes to Adrienna Yan as well as Joe Wong for photographs from the event.

Shake as well as Bake
(From left to right) Narek Geghamyan, Daniel Ip, Glen Padilla, as well as Victor Long


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