Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Michael Benjamin

Meet Michael Benjamin, a junior studying chemic engineering who believes nosotros should never fearfulness failure!

Name: Michael Benjamin
Major: Chemical Engineering
Graduation Date: June 2017

Why did y'all select engineering at UC San Diego?
As a immature individual, fresh out of high school, I was attracted to the prestige that UC San Diego carries, also every bit the hunger to acquire that the pupil population has.

What are your career goals?
My major is Chemical Engineering in addition to I innovation to operate inwards the stone oil manufacture every bit presently every bit I graduate - subsequently I've held an internship alongside a notable fellowship that helps me challenge myself. While working, I would similar to pursue a master’s marking inwards Petroleum Engineering.

Do y'all convey a favorite quote or mantra?
"There is solely 1 affair that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fearfulness of failure."
- The Alchemist
What are 3 things that are unique almost you?
My mightiness to know that failure is simply a field of mind, my confidence, in addition to my hairstyle.

What does this displace hateful to you?
This displace represents a vocalisation that oftentimes goes unheard. It is breaking the boundaries of the stereotypes almost what it agency to last an engineer. More minorities are challenging themselves in addition to becoming engineers, then nosotros are already observing a epitome shift from by times. This displace aims to empower women, minorities in addition to whatever grouping of individuals that take in an obstruction such every bit the drinking glass ceiling that serves every bit a hindrance to the path towards success. Ultimately, the displace tells the stories of those specific individuals inwards the engineering community.


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