Kettering Academy Tiptop Rankings

Kettering University is a leading academy located inwards Flint, Michigan, USA. It is known for summit ranked undergraduate programs inwards engineering, math, scientific discipline too business.

Kettering University is accredited past times the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges too Schools. The accreditation includes both graduate programs likewise every bit the undergraduate.

The University’s bachelor of scientific discipline marking plan inwards Computer Science has been accredited past times the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc. The Management plan is accredited past times the Association of Collegiate Business Schools too Programs. (ACBSP).


- According to the 2011 edition of U.S. of A. News “America’s Best Colleges”, Kettering’s Mechanical Engineering region retained its No. ii national ranking for the instant twelvemonth inwards a row. It is tied for No. ii location alongside institutions from the eastward too west, namely West Point (the USA Military Academy inwards New York) too Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo). Overall, Kettering’s technology scientific discipline programs were in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than ranked inwards the Top 25 inwards the category “Undergraduate Engineering schools, whose highest marking offered is a bachelor’s or master’s“.

- The Princeton Review has ranked Kettering every bit a "Best Midwestern College". It is ane of 152 institutions receiving the Best inwards the Midwest designation inwards the 2011 Best Colleges: Region past times Region schoolhouse selections. Kettering has consistently been on the pick out listing since 2004.

- Kettering University is ranked No. 1 for Industrial too Manufacturing Engineering too continues to endure ranked inwards the Top xx inwards the acre inwards the 2010 edition of "America's Best Colleges Guide". For the start out time, Kettering’s Mechanical Engineering plan is ranked No. ii inwards the country.

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