Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Moxie Oculus Awards $20K To Students At The 2015 Zahn Prize Competition

This year, the Moxie Center for Student Entrepreneurship was able to double the total total of cash prizes for pupil teams at its annual Zahn Prize Competition. The 2015 Zahn Prize Competition was held at The Basement, UCSD’s newest entrepreneurial space, together with the Moxie Center awarded a total of $20,000 inwards cash prizes to 7 students, Ganesh Elie of Slithr, Josh Cohen of Tranio, Eric Suen of Aqua Design Innovations, Inc., Joy Sampoonachot together with John Chou of Cocoon Cam together with Deepak Atyam together with Alex Finch of Tri-D Dynamics.

Moxie Center Executive Director Dr. Jay Kunin introduced the competition’s 3 judges, Dr. Martha Dennis, Mike Krenn, together with Jeff Draa, who are experts inwards edifice startups together with securing company funding. The judges had their function cutting out for them equally the contest had 12 participating teams from the Moxie Center together with exclusively 5 prizes to award. The novel Moxie teams together with the veteran Moxie teams competed inwards 2 dissever divisions for their presentations; Division I for the novel teams had an allocated $5,000 budget, spell Division II had the remaining $15,000. After the presentations, the judges had exclusively xx minutes to brand their concluding decisions.

Division I winners Slithr together with Trainio impressed the judges alongside their designs for a customizable electrical longboard together with an athlete preparation device respectively. After attaching Slithr’s base of operations unit of measurement to their longboard, users tin command the speed together with acceleration of their vehicle alongside a wireless controller. The squad is straightaway currently working on their Delta image earlier launching a kickstarter. On the other hand, Trainio is developing their SpeedTrain device that volition enable athletes together with coaches to better their speed together with develop smarter. The device connects alongside your smartphone together with users tin access the recorded information, workout analysis together with  training suggestions through their mobile application.

Division II participants were likewise faced alongside tough competition. In the end, Aqua Design Innovations, Inc., Cocoon Cam and Tri D Dynamics ended upward taking the prizes. The founders of Aqua Design Innovations, Inc. (ADI) designed a desktop ecosystem alongside an aquaponics filter. Their pattern for their EcoQube is already on its 2d iteration together with lately ended their kickstarter alongside over $370,000 inwards backer support. Cocoon Cam, a Computer Science together with Engineering-based startup, aims to better wellness together with action monitoring systems for infants. By using estimator vision, wireless hardware together with video analytics technology, the photographic goggle box camera volition hold out able to transmit together with tape alive respiration rate, pump rate, temperature, audio together with video of a babe without requiring the babe to article of apparel an action tracker. Tri D Dynamics is or together with then other impressive pupil startup that made UC San Diego the outset academy inwards the the world to successfully design, impress together with examination a metallic 3D printed rocket engine. Both Cocoon Cam together with Tri D Dynamics accept participated inwards the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center's NSF Innovation Corps program.

Congratulations over again to the students together with teams who participated!


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