Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Student Teams Win Over $45K Inwards Recent Competitions

This lastly month, students as well as teams from the Entrepreneurism as well as Leadership Programs competed inward several citywide, statewide as well as nationwide concern competitions, as well as collectively, 2 educatee teams as well as 2 graduate students took dwelling theater over $45000 inward cash prizes. UC San Diego educatee teams ByStanders to Upstanders as well as Open Viral Load (previously named VivaScope) each won $10,000 of respect funding for their projects from the San Diego Social Innovation Challenge. Graduate educatee Alex Phan won $2,500 for placing inward commencement at the UC San Diego Grad Slam as well as $1,000 for placing inward 3rd at the commencement UC-wide Grad Slam competition. And, graduate educatee Aliaksandr Zaretski took dwelling theater $25,000 cash as well as $20,000 inward equity for receiving commencement house at Chapman University’s California Dreamin’ nationwide entrepreneurial contest.

The San Diego Social Innovation Challenge is an annual competitor hosted past times the University of San Diego as well as their Center for Peace as well as Commerce. The competitor aims to promote, guide as well as back upwards student-driven ideas to launch or contribute to social enterprises, as well as has several rounds of sentiment labs as well as perfecting projection pitches as well as concern models. The Social Innovation Challenge had over 100 projection submissions from San Diego academy students as well as 3 rounds of challenges as well as projection eliminations. For the concluding respect ceremony, the remaining 8 USD teams as well as 8 San Diego-wide teams gave 90-second pitches inward front end of a alive panel of judges. Of those 8 San Diego-wide teams, iv teams came from UC San Diego.

After making the concluding pitch competition, Global TIES squad Open Viral Load partnered alongside Engineering World Health, closed to other UCSD finalist squad of the Social Innovation Challenge, deciding that it would live beneficial to deed forwards inward the competitor together. The teams presented 1 pitch on their collaborative social venture as well as received $10,000 to fund their projects that focus on expanding the access of HIV testing. mystartupXX squad Bystanders to Upstanders (B2U) also took dwelling theater $10,000 for their application to encourage as well as gamify volunteer work.

Alex Phan, MAE Ph.D. Candidate
Photo past times Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications
Read UC San Diego News Center Release here
Graduate educatee Alex Phan took commencement house at the UC San Diego-wide Grad SLAM 2015 as well as 3rd house UC-wide Grad Slam competition. Both competitions challenge graduate students to acquaint a “TED-like talk” that tin terminate explicate their graduate inquiry to a full general audience as well as respect cash prizes. As the commencement prize winner at the UC San Diego Grad SLAM 2015 competitor held lastly calendar month on Apr 14, Phan was chosen to correspond UC San Diego at the UC-wide competitor inward Oakland. Phan went against nine other graduate students from the other UC schools as well as took dwelling theater 3rd house for his presentation on how an intraocular push clit per unit of measurement area sensor tin terminate meliorate observe as well as empathise glaucoma, an oculus illness that affects over threescore meg people worldwide.

After completing his undergraduate score inward Bioengineering at UC San Diego, Phan is instantly currently pursuing his Ph.D inward Mechanical as well as Aerospace Engineering. Phan has also completed the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center’s NSF I-Corps Program inward Oct 2014, where he was able to combine his background inward engineering scientific discipline alongside his interests inward entrepreneurship. Earlier this year, Phan took dwelling theater commencement prize at Entrepreneur Challenge’s Elevator Pitch Competition.

Nanoengineering graduate educatee Aliaksandr (Alex) Zaretski represented UC San Diego at the 2015 California Dreamin’ Entrepreneurship Conference as well as Competition as well as took dwelling theater $25,000 inward cash, $20,000 inward equity as well as commencement prize inward the overall competition. The annual competition, hosted past times Chapman University, draws students from the best concern as well as entrepreneurship programs from the U.S. as well as the United Kingdom.

In 2013, Zaretski took dwelling theater commencement prizes at the Entrepreneur Challenge at UCSD’s Elevator Pitch Competition as well as their $100K Business Competition alongside his company, GrollTex. GrollTex has an innovative engineering for the synthesis of large-area graphene as well as has been an impressive startup success. Zarestski was awarded the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center’s Department of Energy Fellowship as well as the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship lastly spring, as well as GrollTex latterly accepted investment from the Triton Technology Fund as well as is inward talks for a large-scale investment from closed to other venture uppercase firm.

Our students present us fourth dimension as well as 1 time to a greater extent than that passion as well as difficult run don’t larn unnoticed. Congratulations 1 time to a greater extent than to these students for their continued achievements!


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