Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Adrienna Yan

Meet Adrienna, the side yesteryear side pupil of our #ILookLikeAnEngineer campaign!

Name: Adrienna Yan
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Graduation Date: June 2017

Why did yous select applied scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
I desire to inspire other girls to pursue a career inwards engineering, because I desire to seek out that women are only equally capable in addition to tin endure only equally successful inwards this champaign equally men. Moreover, I desire to demo that at that spot is zip to fright inwards a (currently) male-dominated field. I intend it helps tremendously to accept woman individual business office models inwards the champaign in addition to to know that yous aren't lone - I desire to endure that root of inspiration for other females.

What are your career goals?
I haven't soundless figured out which manufacture I desire to function in, but I create desire to concur a leadership position at only about indicate inwards my career. This may endure a business office inwards corporate management, or 1 such equally the projection Pb of a grouping of engineers.

Do yous accept a favorite quote or mantra?
Yes! My mantra is "The solely individual yous should strive to endure ameliorate than is the individual yous were yesterday."

What are 3 things that are unique well-nigh you?
a) I am a peachy listener.
b) I dearest baking.
c) I accept a (sometimes corny) sense of humor.

What does the #ILookLikeAnEngineer drive hateful to you?
This drive strives to interruption downward the traditional stereotypes that are associated amongst applied scientific discipline majors. One stereotype would endure that all aerospace applied scientific discipline students are caucasian males. However, the aerospace applied scientific discipline pupil trunk at UC San Diego is made upwardly of individuals, including both males in addition to females, who come upwardly from a diversity of ethnic backgrounds.

Another stereotype is that engineers are oftentimes quiet, shy in addition to boring. However, I know a peachy many who are sociable, friendly in addition to outgoing. Not all engineers similar hiding inwards their rooms - nosotros similar to move out in addition to tin mingle in addition to associate amongst the residue of our peers besides equally anyone else!

The work is, stereotypes may deter only about individuals from pursuing this major, fifty-fifty if it is something they are interested in, for fright of beingness unlike from everyone else and/or for fright of feeling isolated. By raising awareness well-nigh the unlike types of people that brand upwardly UC San Diego's applied scientific discipline pupil body, nosotros may convince those who are interested inwards a career inwards applied scientific discipline to pursue it, in addition to pursue it here!


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