Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Teams On Fast Rail To Success At Grandprieee Competition

Twenty ane teams from roughly California vied for showtime house inwards the GrandPrIEEE contest organized past times the UC San Diego branch of IEEE Dominicus Apr 19. In the end, ii teams from Cal State Fullerton took showtime as well as minute house as well as a squad from UCLA took tertiary place. The showtime UC San Diego squad placed 10th.
The challenge was to design, exam as well as laid upward an autonomous vehicle that could navigate roughly a rail inwards the shortest total of fourth dimension possible. The rail was marked on a night colored rug alongside white tape, which inwards plow covered a wire delivering a 75 kHz sinusoidal signal. The winning squad made its means roughly the rail inwards 16.70 seconds. By comparison, the final squad took 55.21 seconds. 
You tin sentinel ii videos from the contest below:


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