Seeing At A Dissimilar Scale

When he was inwards high schoolhouse in addition to edifice robots, Marquez Balingit couldn't assist only wonder: How practice these parts travel in addition to how practice circuits communicate amongst each other?

He realized is questions could survive answered inwards i word: nanoengineering. So when it came fourth dimension to selection a college major, that's what he chose. He wanted to sympathize what things at the nanoscale or submicron degree expect like.

Now an undergraduate the Jacobs School, Balingit tackles this enquiry at the Nano3 lab. In the future, Balingit sees himself creating a nonprofit companionship specializing inwards a cast of pose out energy conversion, battery or generator that is efficient inwards every aspect: cost, ability conversion in addition to practicality. He hopes that it tin terminate survive gratuitous in addition to practical for developing countries, giving them to a greater extent than autonomy then that they tin terminate ability themselves.

Balingit says he is inspired past times the plant of Nikola Tesla. From his perspective, Tesla's principal wish was to practice gratuitous pose out energy past times harnessing in addition to manipulating existing pose out energy on public in addition to inside the air then that everyone tin terminate access it.

Balingit teaches  users unfamiliar amongst the scanning electron microscope, or SEM, how to purpose it independently. Unlike regular optical microscopes, SEM does non purpose photons. Instead, it uses electrons, which allows the device to capture smaller features at the 1 micron scale, unopen to ⅕ the size of a human cerise blood cell.

"I similar the sentiment of beingness the duo of information past times gathering some knowledge, filtering out the details in addition to explaining it to mortal clearly," Balingit said. "I larn how to purpose high tech equipment in addition to sympathize the touchstone operating procedures to survive able to articulate that to other people then that they tin terminate purpose it on their own."

Outside of grooming users, Balingit also plant on service measurements of sample materials, inwards gild to to figure out the features that users want. He says he feels challenged to popular off a clear, high resolution images in addition to excited to run into something he's never seen before.

"Sometimes things I run into inwards textbooks, I halt upward genuinely imaging which is pretty amazing because I never sentiment I'd survive able to. In my textbooks, a lot of things are inwards the 10 microns in addition to v microns in addition to I wondered how they fifty-fifty popular off these images. Now, years later, I'm getting images that are roughly similar to that," Balingit said.

The Nano3 lab is too looking to increase outreach amongst the SEM past times remotely connecting amongst high schools in addition to community colleges to present them the SEM's  amount capabilities of the in addition to what it tin terminate render from an educational standpoint. Balingit feels similar this volition assist duo the gap betwixt college in addition to high schoolhouse curricula inwards nanotechnology past times bringing this information to them. By magnifying everyday objects similar pennies in addition to ballpoint pens, Balingit also hopes that using SEM volition inspire immature students to pursue an  education/career inwards a STEM field.


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