Rebecca Kandell: Sloan Scholar

Rebecca Kandell is a bioengineering graduate educatee too Sloan Scholar.
Photos past times David Baillot/ UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering
Rebecca Kandell knew she wanted to operate inward a STEM champaign from a immature age. Her mom was a first-generation college educatee too electrical engineer, too her dad studied mechanical engineering, too thus engineering had ever appealed to her. But she too was interested inward biological scientific discipline too had dreams of becoming a medical MD inward her youth. It wasn’t until applying for college that she realized she could meld the 2 into i field: bioengineering.

“I grew upward inward a household unit of measurement of engineering too science,” Kandell said. “I knew I wanted to acquire into a technical field.  When I attended a high schoolhouse outreach trial too learned well-nigh biomedical engineering, I idea that was a swell means to combine engineering too biology.”

Kandell, who grew upward inward Ridgecrest, California, is at i time pursuing a Ph.D. inward bioengineering at UC San Diego equally a Sloan Scholar. Sloan Scholars have a four-year corporation worth $40,000 to get key query past times early on career scientists of outstanding promise.

She’s working inward the lab of Ester Kwon, a professor of bioengineering at UC San Diego, designing nanoparticles with an emphasis on treating traumatic encephalon injury (TBI). Her query focuses on encephalon too nanoparticle therapy, working to railroad train tiny sub-cellular particles that could endure used to to a greater extent than effectively carry drugs to the encephalon too assist process TBI too other neurodegenerative diseases. The carried drugs tin assist with treating complications that come upward with TBI such equally encephalon swelling too jail cellular telephone death.

Kandell earned both her bachelor’s too master’s degrees inward biomedical engineering at California Polytechnic State University too conducted query piece working towards her degrees. There, she used bioimaging too jail cellular telephone civilisation to investigate natural therapies to forestall the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiations (UV) on pare cells.

While at Cal Poly, Kandell too held several officeholder positions with the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).  As president of SWE, i of the largest clubs on campus, she spearheaded multiple large-scale outreach events attended past times thousands of K-12 students, too visited local schools to learn engineering principles to underrepresented minority students.  With her outreach too volunteering, Kandell hopes to inspire students to written report engineering inward college too laissez passer on their total potential.  She has continued to volunteer inward San Diego past times mentoring students inward the Jacobs Undergraduate Mentorship Program (JUMP).

“I value mentoring students, both through scientific query too outreach programs similar JUMP,” she said. “Mentorship provides a back upward organization with students too thus that noesis too positive experiences tin endure shared. I am committed to encouraging others to accomplish their educational goals.”
Kandell is considering her query career goals, simply said in that place are 2 components she knows her time to come endeavors volition involve: query too mentorship.

“I am incredibly grateful to the Sloan foundation for their generous honour which volition allow me to bear query too too give dorsum to the community.”


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