3D-Printed Infinite Rocket Startup Funded Past Times Novel Vc Fund Reverse Capital

UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering students are the founders of i of the kickoff ii academy startups to have funding past times a novel VC fund called Contrary Capital.

Contrary Capital has a novel accept on tracking downward academy startups to invest in. The details are outlined inwards a floor past times Mike Freeman ( @TechDiego on Twitter ) inwards the San Diego Union Tribune:

The Jacobs School startup that received funding is Additive Rocket Corporation (ARC), which 3D prints high-impulse, low-cost, lightweight metallic rocket engines for the infinite industry. Additive Rocket Corp. Founded inwards 2015 past times recent graduates Andy Kieatiwong together with Kyle Adriany. According to the ARC website, “space exploration hinges on excogitation of propulsion technology.”

The ARC students get got participated inwards a position out of entrepreneurism programs on campus, including The Basement together with the Qualcomm Institute Innovation Space.

We await forwards to tracking ARC’s successes. 

Good luck, together with may the [propulsive] forcefulness travel amongst you!

Sumber http://jacobsschoolofengineering.blogspot.com/

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