Clip From Nanoxpo 2018: Rishi Kumar

How does H2O play a usage inwards degrading a solar cell? Rishi Kumar is finding answers to that enquiry through his research. His enquiry inwards the lab of Professor David Fenning aims to sympathize how H2O causes solar cells to lose efficiency. Kumar is developing a method to mensurate precisely how much H2O is within a solar prison theatre cellular telephone without taking it apart.

Kumar describes his projection inwards this video, taken at NanoXpo 2018 this yesteryear May:

Poster title: "Understanding & Overcoming Water-Induced Interfacial Degradation inwards Si Modules"

NanoXpo is an annual effect held yesteryear the Graduate Society of Nanoengineers to showcase graduate enquiry inwards the UC San Diego Department of NanoEngineering.

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