Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Instagram #Interntakeover

As an intern for the Jacobs School of Engineering Communications team, I've had the chance to create everything from reaching out of my comfort zone when approaching professionals together with professors to developing a amend agreement of marketing, together with more. To boot off the schoolhouse year, I had the pleasance of documenting my start hateful solar daytime of my sophomore twelvemonth at UC San Diego. Follow me through my hateful solar daytime every bit I instruct to CHEM 140A (organic chemistry), choose grip of java together with dinner alongside friends, take in the Birch Aquarium, together with choke laughing at the start Foosh present of the year:

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 photograph posted past times UC San Diego Engineering (@ucsandiegoengineering) on

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 photograph posted past times UC San Diego Engineering (@ucsandiegoengineering) on

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 photograph posted past times UC San Diego Engineering (@ucsandiegoengineering) on

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 photograph posted past times UC San Diego Engineering (@ucsandiegoengineering) on

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 photograph posted past times UC San Diego Engineering (@ucsandiegoengineering) on

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 photograph posted past times UC San Diego Engineering (@ucsandiegoengineering) on

Don't forget to follow the Jacobs School on Instagram @ucsandiegoengineering, together with sentinel for to a greater extent than #takeovers from engineering scientific discipline educatee orgs!

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