Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Giving Human Stalk Cells A Massage To Unloosen Calcium

Mesenchymal stalk cells—adult stalk cells that are constantly renewing our bone, cartilage, together with muscle—can locomote stimulated yesteryear a gentle massage to unloose calcium. Bioengineers at UC San Diego published their findings inwards the Feb termination of eLife together with their function has been of late featured online inwards BioTechniques.

Understanding how mesenchymal stem cells response to physical forces inwards the body, such equally blood time period or exercise, is of import for a diversity of diseases ranging from diabetes to spinal cord injury. Research led yesteryear Yingxiao (Peter) Wang, associate professor of bioengineering, shows just how pushing together with pulling the outsides of these cells tin rank the sack indicate changes within them. For example, a gentle tug on the outer membrane of these cells opens upward channels to unloose calcium ions stored within the cells. 

Read the recent story, which too mentions Wang's upcoming summertime workshop on unmarried prison theatre cellphone imaging for graduate students together with postdocs, in BioTechniques here. More data on this function is too available inwards the Jacobs School press release from Feb together with inwards the total newspaper published inwards eLifeDistinct mechanisms regulating mechanical force-induced Ca2+ signals at the plasma membrane together with the endoplasmic reticulum inwards human mesenchymal stalk cells.”


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