Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Unitec Honduras Signs Mou Amongst The Jacobs Schoolhouse Of Engineering

Last week, the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center hosted representatives from the Universidad Tecnologica Centroamericana UNITEC, Honduras together with Agile Solutions who visited UCSD to acquire almost its programs, inquiry together with capabilities. During their short, two-day trip, UNITEC met amongst over xviii dissimilar faculty together with programme directors to explore potential collaboration opportunities.

As role of their visit, UNITEC President Luis O. Zelaya Medrano signed a non-binding memorandum of agreement amongst Jacobs School Dean Albert P. Pisano to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of students together with faculty at UNITEC, promote faculty together with pupil exchanges together with back upwards the creation of entrepreneurial programs that extend undertaking opportunities roughly ICT together with digital animation for immature people at risk.  
“This is the outset of a long term relationship,” UNITEC President Zelaya said. “And this is rattling of import for us. It’s a function inward process, exactly it tin alter everything.”

UNITEC is the largest someone academy inward Republic of Honduras amongst over 24,000 students. Its academic programs are focused on the contribution of professionals inward the areas of trouble concern together with engineering, offering xx undergraduate programs together with 8 master's programs. UNITEC is a fellow member of the Laureate's network of to a greater extent than than eighty campus-based together with online universities that offers undergraduate together with graduate grade programs to over a meg students roughly the world.

“My vision is to practice the best academy inward Central America,” President Zelaya said. “We bring had swell improvements inward the terminal 10 years, exactly the academy is even thus young. And inward the terminal xxx years, nosotros bring had to gear upwards the most prestigious academy inward the country.”
President Zelaya has dedicated his life to didactics inward society to get upwards the character of life inward Honduras. “All my professional person life has been inward education. I was an entrepreneur together with had my ain company, exactly I ever tied it dorsum to the university,” said Zelaya. “I genuinely believe that didactics is the way that our province could live better. Education changes lives. More than fifty percentage of our students are the firstly fellow member of their families to acquire a degree. This is a large alter for the country, for the people’s lives together with their families. H5N1 province amongst many needs together with difficulties needs a character education.”

This by September 2015, UNITEC invited UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering Entrepreneurism together with Leadership Programs Senior Executive Director Rosibel Ochoa to give the commencement speech communication at their 2015 Graduation Ceremony. During her visit, UNITEC’s President expressed involvement inward working amongst the Jacobs School of Engineering together with the von Liebig Center on articulation programs roughly strengthening the project design ecosystem inward Honduras, fostering entrepreneurship inward the academy together with increasing the set out of reckoner scientific discipline together with graduates at the University. 

As a native of Honduras, physician Ochoa has been eager to set her pump into the initiative. She believes that this partnership tin bring a remarkable acquit on on her country, equally Republic of Honduras suffers equally the 2nd poorest province inward Central America.
“We bring a champion hither inward Rosibel… together with nosotros bring a grouping hither [at UC San Diego] advancing our mission,” President Zelaya said. 

Recently, the World Bank inward Republic of Honduras has expressed involvement inward having UNITEC Pb an first that volition focus on back upwards digital animation together with entrepreneurship equally a agency to furnish work for youth at run a hazard equally good equally promote engineering entrepreneurship inward the country. At UNITEC, they bring been supporting entrepreneurship through the university’s pillars, curriculum together with exterior partnerships to expand on what they tin learn inward the classrooms. One major partnership has been amongst Brazilian company, Agile Solutions. “Honduras is a rattling minor country, thus nosotros demand to recall almost the global market,” President Zelaya said. “We develop our students to compete inward the global market, to compete inward Computer Science equally engineers together with graphic designers together with telecommunications, together with that’s where Agile comes in.” The grouping explained that to brand a long lasting acquit on inward Honduras, some other finish is to good develop together with inspire students to believe they tin together with are qualified to function anywhere. Agile Founding Partner, President together with CEO Carlos Cruz is interested inward collaborating amongst UNITEC because he sees swell demand, potential together with talent inward the country. “When nosotros desire to practice something actually bold, we’ll acquire to Republic of Honduras together with they’ll state ‘we’ll practice it.’”

UNITEC together with Agile were too peculiarly interested inward entrepreneurship together with energy, equally they believe UC San Diego’s special departments tin bring a strong influence together with immediate final result inward Honduras. The representatives emphasized that UC San Diego’s microgrid together with inquiry on renewable loose energy tin assist furnish electricity inward many of the rural areas of the country.

The von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center is proud to bring helped facilitate such an of import international collaboration together with looks forrard to seeing the programs that the Jacobs School together with UNITEC volition laissez passer together.

For to a greater extent than information, contact the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center at


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