Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Illuminating Your Movement: Entrepreneur Showcases Lighting Fellowship At Constitute For Global Entrepreneur Launch Event

Dancer as well as handstand teacher Tammuz Dubnov graduated from UC Berkeley at the historic menstruum of 18; immediately at the historic menstruum of 21, he runs a successful lighting company, all piece working on his masters bird inwards materials scientific discipline at UC San Diego.

Zuzor, the companionship Dubnov started, illuminates your drive using a sensor (like Xbox Kinect) to capture your movement, projection it onto a screen, as well as overlay beautiful graphics similar the ones inwards the video above.

Dubnov was acquaint at the launch number for the novel Institute for the Global Entrepreneur at UC San Diego June two to showcase his technology. The Institute is a collaboration betwixt the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering as well as Rady School of Management as well as is dedicated to preparation engineering scientific discipline leaders as well as translating academy discoveries to the market. Dubnov participated inwards the NSF I-Corps programme at UC San Diego, run past times the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center, which is a purpose of the novel institute.

To acquire to a greater extent than most the Institute for the Global Entrepreneur, become to

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