Guardian Academy Request 2018

Cambridge was ranked 1st inwards the Britain according to the Guardian University Guide 2018, followed past times Oxford inwards 2d house too St Andrews inwards third place.

The University of Bath has been named a pinnacle 5 Britain academy inwards the Guardian University Guide 2018. It has risen 5 places from 10th concluding twelvemonth too is the highest ranked academy inwards the due south west.

The University of Dundee has continued its climb inwards the league tables. It was ranked 24th inwards the Britain inwards the Guardian University Guide 2018, topping the tabular array inwards Dentistry too Design & Crafts. In addition, Dundee is inwards the pinnacle 10 inwards Fashion & Textiles (3rd UK), Medicine (4th), Social Work (4th), Business, Management & Marketing (5th), Law (6th) too Forensic Sciences (7th).

Heriot-Watt University was ranked 26th out of 121 inwards this year’s Guardian University League Tables. In champaign of written report areas the ranking placed Heriot-Watt kickoff inwards Scotland inwards Accounting & Finance, Building too Town & Country Planning, Economics, too Chemical Engineering.

Bournemouth University has risen xviii places inwards the Guardian University Guide 2018, upwards to 61st inwards the league tabular array rankings from 79th the previous year. Additionally, BU was shown to hold upwards 4th inwards the Britain for the value that it adds to its degrees, 1 mensurate used to calculate a university's overall score.

*Next: UK University Rankings 2018

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