Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Ryan Collins

Here's the adjacent educatee inwards our #ILookLikeAnEngineer campaign. Though this crusade began amongst a adult woman facing stereotypes inwards engineering, nosotros wanted to emphasize that i does non demand to endure business office of (or expect the business office of) a lesser-represented grouping inwards social club to convey experienced whatsoever biases. Furthermore, no requirement of a item sex or race is necessary to demonstrate back upwards for the crusade in addition to to recognize that inequalities produce be inside engineering. 

Meet Ryan Collins, a quaternary twelvemonth B.S./M.S. electrical technology scientific discipline educatee at the Jacobs School of Engineering. 

Name: Ryan Collins
Major: Electrical Engineering
Estimated graduation date: BS ‘16, MS ‘17

Why did y'all pick out technology scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
I heard it was a neat schoolhouse academically. Besides that, the weather condition is perfect, at that spot is variety of an underdog spirit that motivates me in addition to the campus is beautiful.

What are your career goals?
I am obsessed amongst outer space, I would honey an technology scientific discipline career that involved infinite inwards simply about way. I would similar to function amongst robotics every bit well, then mayhap i twenty-four hours I volition endure helping to seat rovers - or fifty-fifty people - on Mars.

Do y'all convey a favorite quote or mantra?
Luck favors the prepared.

What are 3 things y'all discovery unique most you?
I am a huge batman fan, I tin forcefulness out rap the entire "The Real Slim Shady" song, in addition to fine art is i of my hobbies.

What does this crusade hateful to you?
In my experience, blatant discrimination towards others is a affair I rarely see, but that doesn’t hateful discrimination isn’t happening.

The truth is that discrimination likewise comes inwards the shape of subconscious bias, likewise referred to every bit "Colorblind Racism". That is the thought that betwixt 2 otherwise equal people, y'all volition laissez passer on preference to the i whose race y'all subconsciously prefer or trust. Many people who believe themselves to endure completely fair may non realize this, in addition to it is of import for them to analyze their demeanour from an objective request of persuasion to come across if they are inadvertently discriminating.

I tin forcefulness out state that at that spot convey been times where I noticed that I convey been "lucky" when I was chosen for something, or that somebody trusted me to a greater extent than than they should have. I wonder if simply about of the argue has to produce amongst my race.

You asked to house the frame underneath your aspect upwards - why?
Since this crusade is to pause complimentary from stereotypes, I would seat the frame below my aspect upwards to stand upwards for the thought that nosotros tin forcefulness out pause complimentary from convention- it is to demonstrate that nosotros should squall back exterior the box in addition to non simply evaluate things at aspect upwards value. The frame does serve an of import request it shows that nosotros are perceived past times our physical image, in addition to people DO come across us for our race.

However, our grapheme extends beyond our picture, simply every bit our mortal extends beyond the frame.

Just a thought.

Keep upwards amongst us every bit nosotros maintain to characteristic students in addition to stories! Remember to follow the Jacobs School on social media to rest updated amongst the hasthag!


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