Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Founders Celebration 2015

Join us equally nosotros commemorate the twenty-four hr menstruation UC San Diego was founded inward Nov 1960. Celebrate the ways inward which our scholarship, community in addition to commitment convey created a strength for positive alter inward our region, our state in addition to our world.
Learn to a greater extent than at Follow this hashtag on Twitter: #ucsdfounders

What is Founders Celebration?

The annual Founders Celebration commemorates the twenty-four hr menstruation UC San Diego was founded inward Nov 1960. Faculty, staff, students, alumni in addition to friends are invited to celebrate the many ways inward which our scholarship, community in addition to commitment convey created a strength for positive alter inward our region, our state in addition to our world.

Why convey an annual Founders Celebration?

The mutual destination of the diverse Founders Celebration events is to engage the campus in addition to community, also equally laid upward our base of operations of advocates in addition to donors, by:
  • Underscoring the send on of the campus on local, national in addition to global communities to rally back upward for the campus;
  • Sharing exciting query or operate produced yesteryear UC San Diego staff, graduate students, faculty in addition to leadership;
  • Bringing the campus community together to foster camaraderie amidst our faculty, staff in addition to students;
  • Honoring outstanding supporters of UC San Diego in addition to distinguished faculty through the presentation of the Chancellor’s Medals in addition to Revelle Medals; and
  • Raising the external visibility of UC San Diego.

Who volition live on honored during the celebration?

Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla volition acquaint 3 distinguished individuals amongst the Revelle Medal at Founders Day on Nov 13, in addition to volition recognize the back upward of 3 multifaceted leaders amongst the Chancellor’s Medal at Founders Dinner on Nov 14. We are real grateful for the back upward of these remarkable individuals, foundations in addition to corporations.
  • Chancellor’s Medal Recipients

    The Chancellor’s Medal is i of the highest honors bestowed yesteryear UC San Diego to honour particular service inward back upward of the university’s mission.
    • Carol Vassiliadis
    • The Family of Chris in addition to Warren Hellman
    • Qualcomm Incorporated
  • Revelle Medal Recipients

    The Revelle Medal recognizes electrical flow in addition to sometime faculty members whose sustained in addition to extraordinary service to the campus advances UC San Diego’s mission of particular teaching, research, service in addition to patient care.
    • Cecil Lytle (Department of Music)
    • Hugh “Bud” Mehan (Department of Sociology)
    • Susan Shirk (School of Global Policy in addition to Strategy)

Who volition live on Founders Symposium speakers?

The next faculty volition live on featured presenting TED-style talks related to the campus’ grand query themes.
  • Understanding Cultures in addition to Addressing Disparities inward Society
    • Angela Booker, Ph.D., Department of Communication
    • Jennifer Burney, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Global Policy in addition to Strategy
    • Craig Callender, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy
  • Exploring the Basis of Human Knowledge, Learning, in addition to Creativity
    • Alan Daly, Ph.D., Department of Education Studies
    • Paul Niehaus, Ph.D., Department of Economics
    • Emily Roxworthy, Ph.D., Department of Theatre in addition to Dance

What are the Academic Senate Faculty Research Lectures, in addition to who are the lecturers?

Concurrent amongst Founders Celebration, the Academic Senate recognizes 2 faculty whose query has made a pregnant contribution to the advancement of cognition They volition acquaint a lecture topic of their choice.
  • Yen Espiritu, Ph.D, Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies
    When: Monday, Nov. 4, 2015, 3–5 p.m.
    Where: Faculty Club, Atkinson Pavilion
    RSVP yesteryear Oct. 28, 2015 to
  • Anita Raj, Ph.D., Professor, Division of Global Public Health, Department of Medicine
    When: Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2015, 3–5 p.m.
    Where: Faculty Club, Atkinson Pavilion
    RSVP yesteryear Oct. 28, 2015 to


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