Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Aichen Sun

Meet Aichen (Claire). Outside of paradigm inwards her costless fourth dimension together with serving every bit secretarial assistant for UCSD’s HKN - i of entirely ii females on board - she applies her electrical technology scientific discipline noesis to the medical device field.

Name: Aichen Sun
Major: Electrical Engineering
Graduation Date: June 2017

Why did yous pick out technology scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
Before I came to UC San Diego, I wasn't completely certain most what major I wanted, but I knew what subjects I was ameliorate at together with enjoyed to a greater extent than - math together with science. I didn't grew upward inwards a solid unit of measurement of engineers. Actually,I was e'er been told that a daughter similar me should operate on improving my communication together with writing skills.

Even though I enjoyed math together with science, I was confused most their real-life applications. I was starting fourth dimension exposed to technology scientific discipline during high schoolhouse together with was fascinated past times how engineers tin utilize noesis of math together with scientific discipline to blueprint products that produce goodness people’s lives.

I chose UC San Diego for several reasons. First of all, it has a real skillful technology scientific discipline program. More importantly, it contains a large trunk of technology scientific discipline students that includes many woman individual technology scientific discipline students only similar me. It shows how much the schoolhouse values diversity.

What are your career goals?
As an Asian together with a woman individual technology scientific discipline student, I desire to operate at a companionship that greatly values diversity. I promise that I tin either operate every bit an engineer on a squad or travel inwards a pose where I tin convey contact alongside the end-users of the company's products. Currently, my specific interests prevarication at the interface of electrical technology scientific discipline together with medical devices.

Do yous convey a favorite quote or mantra?
"Fake it ‘till yous decease it" together with "Live life to the fullest."

What are iii things that brand yous your ain individual?
First, I mean value my major. As a woman individual student, it took courage for me to pursue the electrical technology scientific discipline field. Although technology scientific discipline tin travel challenging, I believe that it has made me a to a greater extent than logical, precise together with persistent person.

Second, I similar to explore drawing together with paradigm during my costless time. They render me alongside some other agency to define my graphic symbol other than engineering.

Third, I went to schoolhouse early, together with hence I grew upward alongside almost all older classmates. I mean value it's a unique experience, together with it has made my mentality to a greater extent than mature than many other people my age.

What does this stimulate hateful to you?
During my schooling inwards China, I felt similar people were less opened upward to girls who are interested inwards the technology scientific discipline field. From what I remember, most of the fourth dimension when a daughter expressed her involvement of pursuing a career inwards engineering, people would comment that it's difficult for girls to compete alongside guys inwards engineering, or that the workload is besides much for a daughter to handle. On the contrary, when a man child expressed his involvement inwards pursuing an technology scientific discipline degree, people complimented him together with said something similar "oh yous are going to brand skillful money".

I did experience a flake frustrated growing upward roughly people who ofttimes questioned my abilities together with potential, but afterwards I came to UC San Diego, I tin say that people hither are a lot to a greater extent than encouraging together with opened upward to woman individual engineer students. I mean value it's real of import that immature girls travel encouraged to pursue engineering, together with that these girls travel told non to travel afraid of the stereotypes.

Regarding diversity, I did non really realize its importance until I took a course of written report on managing various teams this summer. The professor who taught the course of written report shared some actually interesting experiences she’d had. I was amazed past times her stories most teams succeeding through the purpose of the inherent characteristics of each squad member, such every bit race together with gender. Every chemical gene has its ain potential together with should travel greatly valued.


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