Combining Soft Robotics As Well As Infinite Technology

Paul Glick, a Ph.D. pupil at the Jacobs School, got a unique endangerment to create hands-on at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory inwards Pasadena, Calif.
Glick, who plant inwards the lab of mechanical applied scientific discipline professor as well as roboticist Michael Tolley, got to blueprint as well as acquit out close of the experiments for an electrostatic gripper for flexible objects railroad train yesteryear JPL as well as UC Berkeley engineers. The squad presented their run at the IROS 2017 conference inwards belatedly September inwards Vancouver.
Glick is business office of the NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship program. He plant to convey soft robotics to infinite technology. Here is a to a greater extent than detailed description of his research. 
Tolley's grouping volition introduce about of their query at the Oct. 27 Contextual Robotics Forum hither on the UC San Diego campus. 
Watch a video of the gripper that Glick ran experiments on inwards action:


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