Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Jessica Lam

As president of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) (and barista!, our side past times side featured pupil is making an comport upon at UC San Diego.

Name: Jessica Lam
Major: Bioengineering: Biotechnology
Estimated graduation date: June 2016

Why did yous select applied scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
Bioengineering at UC San Diego is a nationally top ranked program. I’m lucky to last hither honestly, surrounded past times others who are equally passionate equally me near our major. I think the success as well as accomplishments that receive got come upwards from beau applied scientific discipline students hither is contagious – they motivate yous to desire to last a amend pupil as well as person. Also, I chose UC San Diego because nosotros receive got the most beautiful metropolis as well as beaches!

What are your career goals?
I’d similar to move inwards manufacture for a few years to teach some move sense as well as come across what else is out there. I would similar to become dorsum to schoolhouse to teach my Masters, as well as thus become from there.

Do yous receive got a favorite quote or mantra?
I’ve ever been variety of stuck on the phrase, “Just breathe”. Sure, it’s a scrap cliché. But I’ve grown to honor that college as well as life inwards full general tin teach overwhelming at times. It’s slow to lose yourself inwards everything that yous do, as well as inwards the people that environment you. Sometimes yous only receive got to convey a measuring dorsum as well as await at the bigger picture, relax, as well as realize that there’s to a greater extent than to this lifetime than whatever is correct inwards front end of you.

What are 3 things that are unique near you?
1) I’m a barista! I move at the Cups Coffee cart correct exterior the Powell Focht Bioengineering Hall. It doesn’t actually assist alongside my caffeine addiction though…

2) I beloved alive music as well as going to concerts. It’s a whole dissimilar sense than only listening through your headphones everyday.

3) I'm a sucker for the beaches hither inwards San Diego. I beloved only driving upwards as well as downwards the coast, looking for hidden beaches or places to explore.

What does this displace hateful to you?
I hollo back when dorsum inwards high schoolhouse when I was kickoff accepted to UC San Diego’s Bioengineering program, all of my friends only asked me: “So… what does a bioengineer do?” At the time, I wasn’t able to give them a total flushed answer; I had no persuasion what I fifty-fifty wanted to do. How was I supposed to explicate what it agency to last a bioengineer? I knew I liked math as well as science, as well as I was pretty adept at both subjects, but that was variety of it at the moment. I was a forthwith H5N1 student, as well as I felt that I was almost pressured to pursue a major that was prestigious. But because of that, I almost felt a scrap ashamed almost that I was going to hopefully last an engineer 1 hateful solar daytime as well as I couldn’t limited at the fourth dimension what it agency to me today.

To this day, I notwithstanding scrap sometimes fully beingness able to embrace what it agency to last an engineer. But when I actually think near it, I’m proud to last one. Engineers are solving the problems of the future, helping people through the advancements of technology, as well as they’re only similar anyone else. To me, this displace is actually trying to highlight the misconceptions that people may receive got near engineering. H5N1 lot of times, when people hear that I’m an applied scientific discipline major, they brand comments similar “Wow, yous must last actually smart then” or something similar “That’s crazy, I could never produce that”. I’ve constitute that anyone who loves the plain they move inwards plenty tin brand it. It doesn’t affair who yous are, where yous came from, what yous do. As long equally yous savor it as well as it agency something, thus I think that’s enough. With that beingness said, there’s no 1 stereotype for an engineer, or whatever other major/career for that matter.

So if I could at nowadays reply the questions that my friends inwards high schoolhouse asked me, I volition say them this: It doesn’t affair what a bioengineer does, or what they tin do. It doesn’t fifty-fifty affair if I were whatever other major. I don’t demand to follow whatever stereotype that an engineer has to last a sure enough type of person. What matters is that I’m pursuing something that I am genuinely passionate about, as well as I promise I tin radiate that unloosen energy to other students as well as motivate them plenty to proceed doing what they beloved doing.


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