Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:#Ilooklikeanengineer: Christopher Yin

Meet Chris, the side yesteryear side educatee of our displace together with VP Project Team for Engineering World Health. With a passion for improved global health, he hopes to impact entire populations through technology scientific discipline - all patch listening to The Velvet Underground together with doing merely about creative writing. 

Name: Christopher Yin
Major: Bioengineering
Graduation Date: 2018

Why did y'all pick out technology scientific discipline at UC San Diego?
When I was applying to schools, I wasn’t fifty-fifty genuinely considering UC San Diego. I was assault attention a private university, together with if that didn’t operate out together with I had to pick out a UC, then, of course, it would convey to last Berkeley. The alone argue I included UC San Diego was because I saw that its bioengineering plan was ranked minute inwards the nation. I attended Triton Day together with  realized that it’s a cracking schoolhouse for engineering. There are a ton of resources available for enquiry together with a disclose of technology scientific discipline organizations on campus - those were primarily what drew me here.

What are your career goals?
I desire to pursue either a Ph.D. or an M.D./Ph.D. program. I similar beingness inwards school, together with I similar learning. Ultimately, I desire to last involved inwards enquiry that has an impact on global health. I dearest the scientific discipline together with I desire to empathize every bit much every bit I can, but I every bit good genuinely appreciate the usage of technology scientific discipline where y'all genuinely laid upwardly your solutions. It’s pretty satisfying to brand something tangible, together with specially to convey that something affair to other people. Engineering represents the chance to touching non merely individuals, but entire populations.

Do y'all convey a favorite quote or mantra?
From David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest: “I produce things similar arrive a taxi together with say, ‘The library, together with measuring on it.’”

What are 3 things that are unique virtually you?
(1) Along alongside beingness a bioengineer, I would every bit good similar to write stories together with novels. (2) I dearest brussel sprouts. (3) I heed to sometime together with weird music, similar The Velvet Underground, King Khan together with BBQ Show.

What does this displace hateful to you?
The alone agency I tin intend to respond this inquiry is alongside something platitudinous like, “It’s of import for people’s awareness of technology scientific discipline to comprehend the sum breadth together with sort of the people who produce the engineering.” But merely because it sounds cliche doesn’t hateful it’s non true. I however intend in that location needs to last a greater force early-on inwards teaching for all students, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, etc., to explore STEM fields together with figure out for themselves if it’s something they desire to pursue. From my experience, whatever demographic disparities are due non hence much to a lack of might or opportunity, but a lack of awareness of might together with opportunity. If campaigns similar this could modify that, together with hence that would last pretty great.


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