Dentistry Ranking 2016

According to the Complete University Guide 2016, Glasgow was ranked 1st inward the U.K. for Dentistry, followed past times Cardiff inward 2d place. Cardiff offers undergraduate preparation opportunities for students inward dentistry, dental hygiene together with dental therapy, together with a learning sense designed to best cook students for their time to come career.

Dentistry at Newcastle University is highly regarded. It was ranked tertiary inward the U.K. (up from 7th) inward The Complete University Guide 2016 together with fourth inward the U.K. inward The Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide 2016. Newcastle BDS score inward Dental Surgery is professionally accredited past times the General Dental Council together with entitles graduates to do dentistry anywhere inward the U.K. together with inward many other countries.

The University of Birmingham was ranked seventh inward for Dentistry inward the U.K. according to the Complete University Guide 2016 together with inward the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment, Dentistry was ranked get-go inward the U.K. for query recognised equally internationally excellent.

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