Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Cocoon Cam, The Showtime Health Video Babe Monitor

Congratulations to the von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center Cocoon Cam squad for graduating the NSF I-Corps Program inwards Washington DC!

(From left to right) Dr. Nadir Weibel (Mentor from UCSD CSE Department), Rubi Sanchez,
Pavan Kumar as well as Dennis Abremski (Mentor from von Liebig Entrepreneurism Center)

Recognizing that at that topographic point was a necessitate for smarter infant monitoring, squad founders Pavan Kumar, Siva Nattamai as well as Rubi Sanchez developed Cocoon Cam to brand infant parenting less worrisome through continuous tracking of pump rate, respiratory charge per unit of measurement as well as temperature.

"Siva had a infant close two years ago," explained Pavan Kumar, ane of the founders of Cocoon Cam. "He started looking for a infant monitor that could say that his infant is okay when he is away, but was non able to let on whatsoever production inwards the marketplace that met his needs."

Using machine vision to stair out pump as well as respiratory charge per unit of measurement as well as infrared sensors to abide by pare temperature, Cocoon Cam allows parents to sentiment videos as well as have alerts on their smartphone when their infant needs attention.

During the von Liebig I-Corps program, the squad identified the marketplace size for the infant monitor manufacture equally good equally stakeholders as well as channels for bringing Cocoon Cam to market. Throughout the program, the squad was mentored past times entrepreneur Dennis Abremski as well as Computer Science as well as Engineering query scientist as well as lecturer Dr. Nadir Weibel. With their help, the squad was able to kickoff edifice relationships amongst potential partners as well as customers. After over 100 client interviews, the squad realized that Cocoon Cam would last feasible equally both a consumer production as well as tool inwards the medical field. To those who desire to kickoff their ain companies, the squad urges startup founders to move out of the building.

"It is of import for startup founders to speak to equally many potential customers equally possible to empathize the existent client necessitate for your production or service," Pavan explained.

Not long later on completing the von Liebig I-Corps program, the squad was accepted into the NSF I-Corps Program inwards Washington DC inwards Apr as well as graduated from the plan inwards June. Since then, the Cocoon Cam squad has continued working at total speed. Within the final few months, the squad took domicile a prize at the Moxie Center's Zahn Prize Competition, launched their website, completed epitome evolution as well as began testing Cocoon Cam amongst customers inwards San Diego.

Congratulations over again to this squad for all their success! We know it won't last long until Cocoon Cam hits the market!

Want to know more?
See to a greater extent than on their website, "like" Cocoon Cam on Facebook and hold upward amongst the Cocoon Cam team's updates on Twitter.


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