Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:The X Laws Of Robotics--According To I Of Our Alums

Nick Morozovsky amongst SkySweeper, i of the robots he developed too 3D printed piece a Ph.D. pupil inwards the UCSD Robotics lab.

When Nick Morozovsky, a Ph.D. pupil inwards robotics hither at the Jacobs School, was writing his dissertation, he realized his experiences had led him to compile a listing of laws that roboticists would bespeak to abide past times to hold upwards inwards grad school, too beyond. 
Morozovsky is speaking from experience. During his fourth dimension working inwards the UCSD Coordinated Roboticcs lab, he developed too built several robots, including Switchblade, a rover that could residuum on its threads, too SkySweeper, which could glide along cables too was 3D printed. He too worked on MiP, the first-ever self-balancing robot, which was developed past times UCSD Robotics too toymaker WowWee. 
For to a greater extent than advice from Morozovsky, you lot tin attend an upcoming meetup of San Diego's Robotics Club at six p.m. March 17:
Nick’s Rules of Robotics

1. Never disassemble a working robot.

2. If it industrial plant the starting fourth dimension time, you’re testing it wrong.

3. When inwards doubt, lubricate.

4. Never underestimate the estimation problem.

5. If specs for a business office are listed differently inwards 2 places, they’re both wrong.

6. Glue, tape, too zip-ties are non technology scientific discipline solutions (though they powerfulness operate inwards a pinch).

7. Do non larn out lithium polymer batteries charging unattended.

8. Always convey a consummate CAD model, including screws too fasteners, earlier constructing your robot.

9. Avoid using sideslip rings if at all possible.

10.  Always banking concern jibe polarity earlier plugging a element into a ability source.

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