University Of Michigan-Dearborn Profile

University of Michigan-Dearborn (UM-Dearborn) is a campus of the University of Michigan system, offering undergraduate, master’s, doctoral together with professional person degrees inwards the liberal arts together with sciences, engineering, business, education, together with world administration.

The University of Michigan-Dearborn is fully accredited yesteryear The Higher Learning Commission together with is a fellow member of the North Central Association of Colleges together with Schools. The College of Business is accredited yesteryear AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The School of Education's Child Development Center is a "teacher-training" facility accredited yesteryear the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, a sectionalisation of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Ranking Profile:

- University of Michigan-Dearborn is ranked 32nd with Tier 1 Regional Universities (Midwest) yesteryear U.S. of A. News 2011. In improver to the overall academy ratings, the College of Engineering together with Computer Science is rated with the meridian undergraduate engineering programs inwards the province with schools whose final marker is a bachelor’s or master’s with few, if any, doctoral programs.

- The University of Michigan-Dearborn’s College of Business has been recognized every bit 1 of the 2011 Best Business Schools yesteryear U.S. News together with World Report. In improver UM-Dearborn’s College of Business was ranked for having 1 of the best part-time M.B.A. programs available.

- The Princeton Review listed the College of Business every bit 1 of their “Best 301 Business Schools”.

- UM-Dearborn received 66 out of a possible seventy points inwards the Michigan Department of Education’s (MDE) written report on the state’s 31 teacher-preparation programs, earning it a ranking inwards the “Exemplary” category, the highest category possible.

* Next: University of Michigan Top Rankings

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