Mechanical engineering graduate school rankings:Uc San Diego Pupil Places 3Rd Inwards Uc-Wide Pitch Competition

Alex Phan, a grad educatee inwards mechanical together with aerospace technology scientific discipline at the Jacobs School, placed 3rd inwards the Grad Slam 2015 contender organized past times the University of California, San Diego, for his beak close an intraocular pull per unit of measurement area sensor.
Phan together with his squad are working amongst physician Robert N. Weinreb at the Shiley Eye Center to prepare a sensor that tin dismiss live on implanted inwards the pump together with permit for pump pull per unit of measurement area monitoring anywhere. The sensor is coupled amongst a smart telephone to direct keep measurements. He is working inwards the lab of MAE professor Frank Talke hither at the Jacobs School.
You tin dismiss heed to Phan's beak inwards the video above. It starts some the 27 infinitesimal mark.
More information close the contender here:


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