Bottling The Sun

by Andy Zhao

As a Ph.D. pupil inward Materials Science, I pass my days inward lab similar to how Justin Timberlake spends his days inward the studiopondering the intricacies of solar thermal unloose energy storage. Here is Justin on the mechanics of how a solar thermal mightiness found works inward his vocal Mirrors:

            And straightaway it’s clear every bit this promise
            That we’re making 2 reflections into one
            ‘Cause it’s similar you’re my mirror

In a solar thermal mightiness plant, mirrors are used to reverberate as well as concentrate sunlight to oestrus upward a storage material. I similar to scream upward of it similar a gigantic thermos. In the morning, you lot fill upward up your thermos alongside hot coffee, as well as whenever you lot withdraw a boost inward energy, the hot java is waiting for you. Here is the thermos exterior of Las Vegas that powers 75,000 homes all 24-hour interval as well as night:

Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Plant. Photos courtesy of Solar Reserve
Like I saidGIGANTIC. This found exterior Las Vegas came online inward 2015 as well as is the electrical current the world of the fine art inward grid-level thermal unloose energy storage. It works past times showtime pumping upward nitrate salts to the transcend of the tower. There, the concentrated sunlight heats the salts upward to a blistering 550 C (1,022 F). The hot molten salts are as well as then pumped downward into storage tanks, awaiting the sun’s difference to ignite the lights of Vegas (actually the suburban areas off The Strip, but igniting suburban lights doesn’t audio every bit hot).

Solar thermal mightiness plants typically role nitrate salts because they receive got extremely high oestrus capacities, which way they tin store loads of unloose energy inward a little volume. Also, mixtures of nitrates receive got depression melting points, making them slow to melt as well as ticker around. And because nitrates are stable upward to 550 C, they tin efficiently convert oestrus to electricity. Above this temperature, nitrates interruption downward into other chemicals as well as lose their unloose energy storage abilities.

That’s basically how solar thermal mightiness plants work. Interestingly, the engineering has been criticized for killing a bunch of birds accidentally caught inward the mirrors’ crossfire. But in that place is i plane inward detail that unloose energy storage has truly been aiming to receive got downthe Duck.

To explicate our Duck work (I hope in that place volition locomote to a greater extent than pictures of ducks soon), showtime permit me exhibit you lot a graph depicting how much unloose energy the entire the world of California used on July 4, 2018, where null on the x-axis signifies the start of the 24-hour interval at midnight:

And hither is how much of that unloose energy was provided past times create clean as well as renewable energy, to a greater extent than ofttimes than non from solar (yellow line) as well as air current (blue line):

Now, if you lot subtract the unloose energy provided past times solar as well as air current from the sum demand, you lot obtain the internet demand trend, improve known inward the unloose energy community every bit the fabled “Duck Curve”:

I know what you’re thinking because I persuasion the same affair when I showtime saw it—“Where is the duck?!” Let me aid you lot alongside my phenomenal Photoshop skills:

I don’t know whose brilliant persuasion it was to refer this the Duck Curve, but the Duck signifies the unloose energy provided past times natural gas as well as other fossil fuels. As California builds to a greater extent than solar panels as well as air current turbines, the Duck becomes smaller as well as smaller.

Solar panels are widely persuasion of every bit the silverish bullet that volition kill the large bad fossil fuel industry, represented hither every bit the “Mighty Duck.” It makes feel since in that place is enough sunlight that strikes the globe every 2 hours to power the public for an entire year. But in that place is a persisting problemthe Sun sets every night. Hurling to a greater extent than solar panels at the work does non kill the Duck, it only dodges the incoming projectiles past times stretching its creepy neck, lingering through the night. #DuckDodgers #MightyDucks

To successfully cutting off the Duck’s head, nosotros withdraw a way to store excess solar unloose energy during the 24-hour interval thus nosotros tin role it at night. Enter my (and Justin Timberlake’s) favorite technologysolar thermal unloose energy storage. Solar thermal mightiness plants, similar to the i exterior Las Vegas, are currently nether structure some the public as well as are expected to locomote toll competitive alongside natural gas. Grid degree batteries are likewise beingness heavily researched as well as developed, but they are however much to a greater extent than expensive than solar thermal unloose energy storage.

Scientists as well as engineers are exploring novel materials other than nitrates that could growth solar thermal energy’s operating temperature, unloose energy density as well as storage time, which could farther decrease the toll of unloose energy storage. For example, metallic fluorides are beingness studied for their mightiness to store unloose energy every bit latent heatthe unloose energy it takes to alter a fabric from i stage to another. To set latent oestrus into context, let’s human face at the unloose energy you lot tin extract from i liter of liquid H2O earlier turning it into ice. When you lot cool H2O to just its freezing indicate (0 C), it volition rest a liquid. You tin mash out an additional 333,550 joules of unloose energy earlier it transforms into iceenough to mightiness a sixty Watt lightbulb for i as well as a one-half hours. In comparison, fluorides receive got twice this latent oestrus as well as tin locomote used at much higher temperatures than water.

Researchers are likewise studying thermochemical unloose energy storage to growth the unloose energy density as well as storage fourth dimension of solar thermal mightiness plants. In this process, concentrated sunlight heats upward a chemical, driving a reaction to create fuel that stores the thermal unloose energy every bit chemic potential energy. When the unloose energy is needed, the chemic reaction is reversed. The chemic fuels that drive this reaction retain the sun’s unloose energy much longer as well as to a greater extent than densely than either nitrates or fluorides.

I am currently working on a projection inward collaboration alongside Los Alamos National Laboratory that uses metal sulfides every bit a potential thermochemical storage material. We are designing as well as edifice prototypes of reactors that oestrus upward metallic sulfides to carve upward them into their metallic as well as sulfur constituents to store energy. When this unloose energy is needed, sulfur as well as metallic are recombined to drive an extremely exothermic reaction. At UC San Diego, nosotros are likewise developing novel techniques to sympathize how thermal storage materials (nitrates, fluorides as well as sulfides) carry as well as store oestrus at such high temperatures.

While side past times side generation solar thermal mightiness plants that run on latent oestrus or thermochemical unloose energy are far from commercialization, solar thermal plants that run on nitrate salts receive got already begun competing alongside fossil fuels some the world. And every bit California begins its journeying towards 50 portion create clean as well as renewable unloose energy past times 2030, solar thermal unloose energy storage volition play a fundamental business office inward eating the Duck.

Personally, my preferred way to bargain alongside a duck is dominating the tea-smoked duck at VillageNorth eating seat inward San Diego.


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