Joseph Wang Named Honorary Medico Inwards Europe

Joseph Wang, Distinguished Professor too Chair of Nanoengineering at UC San Diego, was awarded a "Doctor Honoris Causa" (honorary doctorate) yesteryear 2 universities inwards Europe in conclusion week.

On Monday, Nov. 20, Charles University inwards Prague awarded Wang an honorary doctorate inwards Natural Sciences for his "outstanding academic achievements inwards the plain of Analytical Chemistry."

And on Friday, Nov. 24, the Senate of the Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine too Pharmacy inwards Cluj-Napoca, Romania, too conferred an honorary doctorate on Wang inwards recognition of his "prodigious merits inwards the plain of Electrochemistry."

Here are photos from the ceremony at Charles University inwards Prague:

Here are photos from the ceremony at the Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine too Pharmacy inwards Cluj-Napoca, Romania:


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