Guardian League Tabular Array 2017

According to the Guardian League Table 2017, Cambridge was ranked No. 1 inwards the UK in addition to ahead of Oxford (2nd). This is the 6th twelvemonth that Cambridge has held the tiptop spot overall.

Loughborough University was ranked quaternary inwards the 2017 Guardian University League Table, making it the tiptop ranked academy inwards England afterward Cambridge in addition to Oxford. Loughborough has climbed 7 places from final year, amongst xvi of its courses beingness ranked inwards the national tiptop 10.

Swansea University improved its overall ranking over the past times twelvemonth from 52nd to 39th, which is the largest outpouring past times a academy inwards Wales. Amongst about of the around notable results for the University are for educational activity (up 45 places to 15th), overall variety out satisfaction (up 28 places to 7th) in addition to career prospects, which is at 14th place.

The University of Bradford has soared twenty places inwards the Guardian league table, making it 1 of the biggest rises inwards the UK. Bradford has jumped upward from 72nd inwards the 2016 listing to 52nd inwards the 2017 ranking.

The University of Derby was ranked inwards the Top fifty inwards The Guardian University Guide 2017 afterward climbing 25 places. The University has jumped from 73rd to 48th house out of 119 institutions – the minute biggest outpouring inwards the dry reason – to make its highest always ranking.

* Next: Complete University Guide 2017

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