Psychology Ranking 2015

Cambridge was ranked 1st inwards the United Kingdom of Great Britain in addition to Northern Ireland for Psychology according to the 2015 Guardian League Table, followed past times Glasgow inwards sec house in addition to Oxford inwards third place.

The University of Bath Department of Psychology has come upward fourth inwards the Guardian league tables for 2015, which is a rising of ane house from concluding year.

The University of Leicester has moved upward to seventh house (from ninth house concluding year) for Psychology inwards 2015 Guardian dependent plain league table.

The University of Exeter has enjoyed considerable success inwards The Guardian University Guide 2015, amongst Psychology moving into eighth house inwards the influential guide. This follows hot on the heels of the department’s success inwards The QS World University Rankings, where it moved into the elevation 100 across the globe.

Psychology at the University Kent has achieved elevation xx positions inwards both the Guardian University Guide 2015 in addition to Complete University Guide 2015 league tables. Out of 109 Psychology departments inwards the UK, Kent was rated 14th overall inwards the Guardian University Guide League Table 2015.

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