Top Medical Schools 2015 (Uk)

Cambridge was ranked 1st inward the Great Britain for medicine according to the Guardian University Guide 2015, followed yesteryear Oxford inward sec place.

The University of Dundee is a leading Great Britain medical schoolhouse that offers an exciting in addition to challenging curriculum. It is consistently ranked alongside the UK’s pinnacle v medical schools in addition to placed No. 1 inward Scotland (No. v inward UK) yesteryear the Guardian University Guide 2015.

The University of Nottingham School of Medicine has over again moved upwards the ranks inward the 2015 Guardian University Guide, becoming the 11th-placed medical schoolhouse inward the UK, ahead of other schools including Imperial College, Manchester, Birmingham in addition to Bristol.

Newcastle University has a long-standing reputation for existence 1 of the best places to report medicine inward the UK. It was ranked No. thirteen for Medicine yesteryear the Guardian League Table (2015), in addition to No. 9 for Medicine yesteryear both The sun Times University Guide (2015) in addition to The Complete University Guide (2015).

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